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What is the meaning of 'hợp' in Vietnamese? : The perfect guide to understand in 3 min
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What is the meaning of 'hợp' in Vietnamese? : The perfect guide to understand in 3 min

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Vietnamese Vocabulary

“Hợp” is one of the common words used in the multiple contexts in Vietnamese. When you are reading a book, listening to a podcast, watching a news, you will probably hear this word many times.

But the meaning of “hợp” varies depending on the context and it’s hard to remember each meaning one by one. Therefore, this post will help you understand the concept of “hợp” and you will be able to guess the meaning in any contexts.

What Is The Meaning Of “Hợp” In Vietnamese? #

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the meanings of ‘hợp’ in Vietnamese
The concept of “hợp” is to fit, to match with something. Deriving from the original concept, “hợp” can also mean “suitable” or “appropriate” when used to describe compatibility or agreement between things or people.

Let’s take a deeper look at each practical examples.

How To Use “hợp” : to fit, to match #

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how to use hợp : to fit, to match
Firstly, we will learn how to use “hợp” when used as verb. In this context, we will often use “hợp” with the following format.

A + hợp với + B : A can match with B

Here is the example by using “hợp”.

Đồng nghiệp này rất hợp với công việc của anh.
This colleague matches with your job.


How To Use “hợp” : harmonious, compatible #

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how to use hợp : compatible, harmonious
Secondaly,let’s see some examples when “hợp” is used as an adjective. In this context, “hợp” can be used to describe something in good harmoney or compatible. Let’s take a look some examples here.

Hai người bạn này rất hợp nhau.
These two friends are very compatible.


Âm nhạc trong bộ phim tạo ra một bầu không khí hợp nhãn.
The music in the movie creates a harmonious atmosphere.


How To Use “hợp” : agreement, consensus #

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how to use hợp : agreement, consensus
Thirdly, we will see the usage of “hợp” used as noun. With this context, “hợp” is used when we need to make an important decision in a formal scene. Let’s take a look at the following examples.

Cuộc họp đã đạt được một sự hợp đồng quan trọng.
The meeting reached an important agreement.


Cần lắng nghe ý kiến của tất cả mọi người để có được sự hợp tác tốt nhất.
We need to listen to everyone’s opinions to achieve the best cooperation.


Common Vocabularies By Using “hợp” #

So far, we have looked at the usage and meaning of ‘hợp’ alone. But now we will focus on some common expressions using ‘hợp’.

There are many useful idioms by using “hợp” in Vietnamese. So let’s take a look at them one by one.

Hợp lý : Reasonable #

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what is the meaning of hợp lý?
‘Hợp lý’ is an adjective and often used when you want to say something reasonable or logical. When you understand to something true or necessary or logical, you can use the word ‘hợp lý’.

We can write ‘合理(Gou ri)’ in Japanese, the sound is quite similar to ‘hợp lý’ in Vietnamese. So it would be easier for those who studied Japnaese or Japnaese native speakers.

Now let’s take a look at some example sentences with ‘hợp lý’.

Cô ấy đã đưa ra một lời giải thích rất hợp lý.
She gave a very reasonable explanation.


Hành động của bạn không hợp lý trong hoàn cảnh này.
Your actions are not reasonable in this situation.


‘Hợp lý’ is quite useful expression used in both written text or conversation. If you listen to the conversation among Vietnamese native speakers, you might hear the word ‘hợp lý’.

Trong trường hợp ~ : In case ~ #

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what is the meaning of trong trường hợp?
‘Trong Trường hóp’ is used as a conjunction to connect 2 sentences, meaning ‘in case’ in Vietnamese. ‘Trong’ is a preposition, meaning ‘in’ in English and ’trường hợp’ means ‘case’ in English.

Let’s take a look at the following examples to understand how to use ’trong trường hợp’.

Trong trường hợp bạn cần giúp đỡ, hãy gọi cho tôi ngay.
In case you need help, call me right away.


Hãy gọi số cấp cứu trong trường hợp khẩn cấp.
Call the emergency number in case it’s an emergency.


As you can see the example sentences above, you can use ’trong trường hợp’ at the beginning of the sentence or at the middle of the sentences. It depends on what you want to emphasize in your sentences.

Thích hợp : suitable #

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what is the meaning of thích hợp?
‘Thích hợp’ means something is right or suitable to a specific person, purpose or situation. You can use ’thích hợp’ as an adjective with the format of ’noun’ + ’thích hợp’. (e.g. cách thích hợp : suitable way).

For more usecases, let’s take a look at the following examples.

Đây là một cách thức thích hợp để giải quyết vấn đề này
This is an appropriate way to solve this problem..


Điều này không phải là thời điểm thích hợp để thảo luận vấn đề này.
It’s not the right time to discuss this issue.


Tuỳ trường hợp : Depending on the situation #

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what is the meaning of Tuỳ trường hợp?
“Tuỳ trường hợp” can be translated as “depending on the situation or circumstances” in English. It can be used to describe that something varies or depends on specific circumstances.

Let’s take a look at the actual use cases using “tuỳ trường hợp” as follows.

Tuỳ trường hợp, chúng tôi có thể cung cấp giảm giá đặc biệt cho khách hàng thân thiết.
Depending on the case, we can offer a special discount for loyal customers.


Summary #

In summary, the concept of “hợp” is to fit, to match and can be used the following meanings.

  • [Verb]to fit , to match
  • [Adjective]harmonous, compatible
  • [Noun]Agreement, Consensus

In case you will find the word “hợp” with some unknown usage, no need to worry. You can guess the meaning if you know the basic concept of “hợp”.

About me #

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Thank you so much for reading my contents! I hope you like my contents and follow me on Youtube:)

  • I am living in Vietnam, Danang.
  • Passionate mobile app/web developer.
  • After working in Japan for a couple of years, I moved to Vietnam, Da Nang.
  • I love tech, Vietnamese and contents creating

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